Learn Effective Resume Building Skills from Marilyn Tullius
This workshop is for everyone who is disappointed about the meager response they receive after submitting their resumes. Our discussion will include common causes for lack of response. Most of our focus, though, will center on positive changes to improve your rate of receiving interview invitations. We will cover ways to tighten your resume’s relevance by aligning with the interests of prospective employers. You will learn engagement techniques that compel your reviewer to stay on the page. We will discuss examples of ways to increase the impact of your bullet points and highlight your achievements including a syntax formula and action words usage. We will also discuss ways to convey energy and momentum while supporting your claim to be a high performer in the position. Additional topics will be covered to match the interests of participants. Attendees should plan to bring questions and issues as well as tips to share.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81824076346
Marilyn Tullius, Leader and Organizer
Free and Online via Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays monthly at 5:00 p.m.
For more information: Meetings are announced in the meetup group: https://www.meetup.com/Resume-Workshops-San-Francisco-Oakland-East-Bay/
EVENT TYPE: | Literacy, Learning & Lectures | Legal, Tax & Job Health | Creative |