Learn Effective Resume Building Skills from Marilyn Tullius
Our discussion will focus on tasks that are preliminary to preparing an effective resume, yet critical. Your prep work will clarify the basis for prioritizing your choices about the industry and job role you seek, and you will be more confident in taking your next career steps. We will cover how to analyze prospective employers’ job postings and develop key word lists. We will also discuss learning about trends and challenges in your chosen industry. As well as strengthening your resume, your updated knowledge will ensure you are conversant about evolving industry changes and opportunities. Your preliminary work will sharpen your interview responses and improve your ability to ask meaningful questions during interviews. Your enriched knowledge will go far toward producing an empowered resume that convinces the reviewer of the value you offer and your potential to make a positive difference. We will adapt our discussion to the interests of attendees and share handouts about ways to overcome common problems.
Zoom Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84714745625
Marilyn Tullius, Leader and Organizer
Free and Online via Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays monthly at 5:00 p.m.
For more information: Meetings are announced in the meetup group: https://www.meetup.com/Resume-Workshops-San-Francisco-Oakland-East-Bay/
EVENT TYPE: | Literacy, Learning & Lectures | Legal, Tax & Job Health | Creative |